

Shortly after four months since Marco Galaz assumed the general management of Luxmeter in order to carry out the institutional consolidation process that places the Chilean photoperiod company as a leader in the national and international markets, redefining its three strategic business areas: energy (photoperiod), software and services.

Celebrating 20 years of Luxmeter as pioneers in the industry, the projection is to take a real leap and launch a new product that will revolutionize the current photoperiod lamps available on the market, standing out for having 30% more efficiency. The new 1,000w iLED lamp has an unprecedented piece made of Chilean copper and Nichia Corporation LED technology, ensuring better results and lower maintenance costs.

Marco Galaz, who is an auditor accountant and MBA from the UGM Business School, has been working in the aquaculture and fishing industry for more than 18 years, consolidating changes internally and externally at Luxmeter, to guarantee the highest quality and dedication in the products and services that they deliver today to their clients.

How do you rate your arrival at Luxmeter?

It has been a great challenge. The first thing has been to form work teams with a different structure to how it was being carried out previously, which was more familiar. We know that we are at an important moment and that in order to consolidate the quality that our clients demand, it is necessary to strengthen all our business areas, especially quality, after-sales services and software, which is a very competitive area.

What is the label that you want to promote with your management?

Our key concept is to be able to accompany our clients. We are a company that has been characterized by our commitment in the field and we have learned from all these experiences. This closeness makes us grow and by maintaining this understanding of the industry, we know what solutions to provide and what aspects to focus our innovations and efforts on.

With the launch of our new iLED lamp with a copper body, we want to make a difference, making it clear that we do not only sell lamps; We sell a photoperiod system with a start-up that includes technical and electrical training and is supported by the highest quality software.

On the other hand, strengthening alliances is very important and already during these months, we have closed an agreement with Corfo and Fundación Chile to promote the development of new species in aquaculture such as Corvina. In addition, another commercial agreement with an important multinational company for the distribution of our products at a global level, which we will make public in the coming weeks.

They are about to launch their new iLED lamp on the market. What makes this new product different?

We are very excited and confident in this new product whose first shipment will arrive in March. At the technology level, this 1,000w iLED lamp marks a milestone within the industry, delivering 30% more efficiency, mainly due to its light quality and the reduction of its maintenance, situations that we know are complicated for producers.

With the antibacterial properties of copper, the cleaning of the lamps is considerably reduced and at the same time, the useful life of the product is increased. On the other hand, stability and temperature control also allow greater usability.

The use of a raw material such as Chilean copper for a lamp like this is world-renowned. The feedback we have received from strategic partners has been spectacular. Given the characteristics for its treatment and technology, the body of our new lamp is currently developed in the United States, with Led Nichia technology (Japan) and assembled in Chile, but we do not rule out that in the future we can produce them in our facilities in Montt port.




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